
Below are the registration fees for the congress, which are in Danish Kroner. A currency converter for the Kroner can be found here. On-line registration is now closed, but it is possible to register on-site at the congress. Payment for on-site registration should be in cash or using credit card (Visa or Mastercard, 6% credit card fee).

Type of registration Price (DKK)
Full, IUSSI member
Full, non member
Student, IUSSI member
Student, non member
Accompanying person

If you would like to join the IUSSI to take advantage of the reduced registration fee for members, please contact your local section. Details of most of the sections can be found here

What is included in the registration fee:

Participant Accompanying person
Bag with congress materials
Travel pass for public transport
Welcome reception
Refreshments in tea/coffee breaks
Lunches (except Wednesday)
Light evening meals (Tuesday, Thursday)
Tivoli gardens ticket
Congress banquet*
Welcome reception
Tivoli gardens ticket
Congress banquet*

*N.B. We cannot guarantee a place at the banquet for those who register on-site, as the numbers attending need to be fixed by 1 August, but we will do our best.

Last updated: Monday, August 2, 2010