SectionsThe International Union for the Study of Social Insects comprises several regional and national sections. Section web sites are generally the best source for information on membership, section activities, and other topics of local concern. In addition, some contain extensive lists of links that will be of general interest to social insect researchers. If your section isn't listed and linked here, please contact the webmaster, whoc would also like to be kept updated about new web sites, social media accounts and officers. Links to sections in good standing are given below
From the IUSSI Constitution: The Union is composed of Sections, which are established on the basis of geographical contiguity for the purposes of: stimulating interest in social insects and other social organisms; holding meetings to present and discuss results of ongoing research; or other relevant activities. Sections shall be governed by their own Constitution and Bylaws except as provided otherwise in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Union. Sections must have a minimum of 15 members and their Constitution and Bylaws must be approved by the General Assembly upon recommendation from the International Committee, in order to be officially recognized by the Union. A Section which falls below 15 members has, or reverts to, probationary status and is not entitled to voting representatives in the International Committee. Sections may remain on probation indefinitely, but must report to the Union every four years on efforts to increase membership. Sections have a President, who is the official liaison to the Union, and may elect additional Officers. If your section is not listed here, or if the link is outdated, please contact the webmaster |
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